I’m all about flipping the script on traditional marketing lingo. So instead of using the word “funnel” we’ll use the word “doors” because, this is for my real estate professionals. The purpose of understanding this is so that YOU, can better understand the client’s journey towards partnering with you as their agent.
Keep in mind, that not all leads that enter Door#1 will come out from Door #5. Meaning, at any point, if they decide to not move forward with your service, they’ll look for the exit.
Door #1 Attention
Attention, is the first door you’ll want a lead to go through. Whether it’s with a social media post, video, cold call, or flyer, your goal is to make them aware that you exist and are open for business. Leads that want to learn more about you will go into door #2, and those that don’t, will take the exit.
Door #2 Interest
Interest, is the second door. So they came across your content and it peaked their interest enough to keep reading, watching, or listening. The lead is engaging with your content in this room.
Door #3 Consideration
Consideration, is the third door. In this room, leads are seriously thinking about working with you, so they start researching and looking into what you have to offer. They’ll go to your website, read your reviews, read your about page, and make a decision whether you’re a perfect fit or worth their time to take the next step which is reaching out (contacting).
In this stage, some leads will skip door #4 and go straight to #5. But we’ll continue in order.
Door #4 Nurture
When they step through this door, it’s a signal that your potential clients are intrigued, but they’re quite not ready to seal the deal- at least not yet. So they sign up for your newsletter because they want to stay connected. You’ll nurture the relationship and follow-up.
Door #5 Conversion
The last door is the golden door, which is conversion. Leads that enter this room are filling out your inquiry form, emailing you, or calling you because they’re ready to rock and roll!
When you grasp the big picture of how people decide to hire you, you can easily spot where your clients are exiting and make improvements to keep them engaged.
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November 2, 2023
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